You can inspect the perfomance of an Axiom simulation uisng the built in profiling tools.

Profile Tab

The first thing you need to do is generate some data to profile. You can do this by going to the profile tab on the Axiom solver node.


You can click Run to generate a file that contains the profile data. It will run the simulation for the specified range and save it to the specified file.

<aside> 💡 Be sure to always use the json file extension when naming the file.


You will see a progress bar while it runs.


After the profile has completed you can choose the Open File Profiler option to open the file for inspection.

Alternatively, you can inspect the live running simulation by choosing the Open Node Profiler option.

<aside> 💡 Note that these options enable Debug Verbosity on the solver which may impact performance. When you are done profiling you can disable it by going to the Settings → Solver → Debug Verbosity parameter and setting it to None.



You can inspect the various parts of the simulation and see how long individual steps took. You can also see general information about the simulation such as the active voxel count and what device was used.


You can scrub Houdini’s timeline to see the data for a specific frame.

If you want to inspect another file created in a different project or were given one by someone else you can use the Open option at the top of the user interface to open any Axiom profile json file.

You can choose to clear the file path with the Clear option which will have the profiler to look for a selected Axiom node to source data from live and interactively.