How you can help us help you! If you experience a sudden crashes it will be helpful to provide us a log file to inspect what was going on at the time of a crash.

Log File

The first thing you should do is set an environment variable to tell Axiom where to save the log file. This can be in any folder that exists.

**AXIOM_LOG_FILE = /path/to/log/file.txt**

This environment variable should be set in your houdini.env file which can be found here on your OS.





<aside> 💡 On macOS you may need to use Finder’s go to folder feature to get to this directory.




Debug Mode

Next, restart Houdini and create a solver node or open the file with the solver node that caused the crash before.

<aside> 💡 If Houdini crashes immediately, try setting Houdini to manual mode from auto-update in the lower right hand corner of Houdini’s UI.


On the solver node under the settings tab you will find a parameter called Debug Verbosity. This allows the solver to write detailed information about what the solver is doing to the log file. Set this to Live Step Info to get the most detailed reporting.

Screen Shot 2022-10-27 at 3.46.25 PM.png

Replicate The Crash

Now you should try to replicate the crash you had before.

When the crash occurs do not try to re-lunch Houdini. Instead send the log file to support and wait for them to provide some information on how to solve your issue.